Friday, November 4, 2011

Air Car from Tata Motors of India has been scheduled

What is this?

Will it be the next big thing?

Tata Motors of India thinks so.

What will the Oil Companies do to stop it?

It is an auto engine that runs on air. That's right; air not gas or diesel or electric but just the air around us. Take a look.

Tata Motors of India has scheduled the Air Car to hit Indian streets by August 2012

The Air Car, developed by ex-Formula One engineer Guy N. For Luxembourg-based MDI, uses compressed air to push its engine's pistons and make the car go.

The Air Car, called the "Mini CAT" could cost around 365,757 rupees in India or $8,177 US.

The Mini CAT which is a simple, light urban car, with a tubular chassis, a body of fiberglass that is glued not welded and powered by compressed air. A Microprocessor is used to control all electrical functions of the car. One tiny radio transmitter sends instructions to the lights, turn signals and every other electrical device on the car. Which are not many.

The temperature of the clean air expelled by the exhaust pipe is between 0-15 degrees below zero, which makes it suitable for use by the internal air conditioning system with no need for gases or loss of power.

There are no keys, just an access card which can be read by the car from your pocket. According to the designers, it costs less than 50 rupees per 100 KM, that's about a tenth the cost of a car running on gas. It's mileage is about double that of the most advanced electric car, a factor which makes it a perfect choice for city motorists. The car has a top speed of 105 KM per hour or 60 mph and would have a range of around 300 km or 185 miles between refuels. Refilling the car will take place at adapted gas stations with special air compressors. A fill up will only take two to three minutes and costs approximately 100 rupees and the car will be ready to go another 300 kilometers.

This car can also be filled at home with it's on board compressor. It will take 3-4 hours to refill the tank, but it can be done while you sleep.

Because there is no combustion engine, changing the 1 liter of vegetable oil is only necessary every 50,000 KM or 30,000 miles. Due to its simplicity, there is very little maintenance to be done on this car.

This Air Car almost sounds too good to be true. We'll see in August. 2012

Here is the link to watch

How it works great inside the engine

Uses a battery powered selenoid to open the valve, that pumps air from the compressed tank into the engine thus rotating it

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The High Speed train that never stops at a station

The High Speed train that never stops at a station YET PASSENGERS GET ON & OFF
*The train that never stops at a station: - How to get on and off the non-stop high speed train!*

A new Chinese train innovation - How to get on & off the bullet train without stopping. VERY COOL CONCEPT !

No time is wasted. The bullet train is moving all the time. If there are 30 stations between Beijing and Guangzhou, just stopping and accelerating again at each station will waste both energy and time. A mere 5 min stop per station (elderly passengers cannot be hurried) will result in a total loss of 5 min x 30 stations or 2.5 hours of train journey time!

The Chinese are innovative enough to come up with a non-stopping train concept. When the train arrives at a station, it will not stop at all.

The passenger at a station embarked onto to a connector cabin way before the train even arrive at the station. When the train arrives, it will not stop at all. It just slows down to pick up the connector cabin
which will move with the train on the roof of the train. While the train is still travelling away from the station, those passengers will board the train from the connector cabin mounted on the train's roof. After fully unloading all its passengers, the connector cabin will be moved to the back of the train so that the  next batch of outgoing passengers who want to alight at the next station will board the connector cabin at the rear of the train roof. When the train arrives at the next station, it will simply drop the whole connector cabin at the station itself and leave it behind at the station. The outgoing passengers can take their own time to disembark at the station while the train had already left. At the same time, the train will pick up the incoming embarking passengers on another connector cabin in the front part of the train's roof. So the train will always drop one connector cabin at the rear of its roof and pick up a new connector cabin in the front part of the train's roof at each station.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A very happy and prosperous Diwali!!

Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous Diwali!!

Happy Diwali

Monday, October 10, 2011

Project Aakash - Ipad

Finally, the day has come in the Indian history that we can boast of showing that we have achieve a great height what others have not. The Government of India has finally launched a tablet PC in association with Datawind, a technology company. The tablet is available at mere 35$ or 2276 Rs including takes precisely. The tablet runs on a android platform and is capable of running word, power point and pdf files. The tablet has an internal memory of 256 mb which can be increased to 2GB through SD card and has a Wifi connectivity with a sim card slot for internet. The one of its kind tablet would be available to students at a price of Rs.1200 thanks to the government subsidy.

A good thing to know is that India is taking step by step to become a super power in the coming years. We can proudly say that if US has given the world an Ipad, India has given Aakash. If Ipad is launched every year with a new version for people who can afford it , we have launched Aakash for the people who cannot afford it. This is the difference, a huge difference !

The difference which starts from a tablet does not limit it their, but continue to each and every aspect of life, including a raring difference between the Wall Street and the Dalal Street. The difference in the financial system, the difference in how we tackle the crisis and also the difference in how we find a solution and not run away from it.

President Obama takes a long pending decision to move the economy but cannot create a single job. Not able to stop the movement of the Job from the west to the east. Neither able to stop the protest by the people against the Wall street greedy monkeys. The question is will he be able to stop the so called Chapter 11 season which is yet to start. Last season saw around 100 banks filing chapter 11, what bout this season. Will still their be privatization of profit and socialization of losses ??

A Small lesson to be learnt for Mr. Obama and also to the people behind the movement behind the Euro countries from Project Aakash. It's not what kind of technology you offer matters, but whom you offer matters. It's high time they start taking basic economical decision rather than just pushing the economy with a temporary boast.

- Niraj, Equity Research Analyst

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Save the Planet Earth. We all have a date with the planet !

We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film. Watch it at Home on Youtube

Friday, March 25, 2011

10 things to learn from JAPAN

I am happy to share Today’s article on “10 things to learn from Japan”.

10 things to learn from JAPAN-


Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.


Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture.


The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn’t fall.


People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.


No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.


Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid?


Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.


The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.


They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.


When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly

Thanks to Chandini Chandrasekaran for contributing this article.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Prestige Centrifugal Juicer PCJ 3.0 - Review

Centrifugal Juice - Prestige
 I thought of buying a juicer since long time, as it tedious using a grinder to retrieve juice. I bought a Prestige juice for 2200/- Rs, and thought I would share my experiences about it. This centrifugal juicer is best of its kind. Its specification as given in the link

It has wider mouth to drop the cut pieces of fruits or vegetables. Its doesn't mean that you can drop whole fruit into it as it fits. It obviously has a big storage for pulp, such that you don't need to empty the pulp frequently.

It has a good funnel type opening that guides the juice in the container without any spill. There is rotating part called sieve which is designed to cut as well as filter. So I have few some operating observations after using this juicer, which the person has to take care while using a centrifugal juice like this one.
Sieve which has sharp teeth to cut the pieces

1. Cut pieces in one inch cubes approximately
2. Put this pieces into the mouth and just drop the white tube on them. Do not push this white tube hard as it may spoil the sieve.
3. Pour some water in between while filling the mouth with the pieces, that shall lubricate the sieve and clean the filter holes.
5. Check the pieces you have cut does not have any hard substances. For example a beetroot or carrot may have a small stones, which can spoil the sieve.

Wider mouth of the juicer

4. Clean the sieve after usage, and let all the holes open.

5. Do not fill the mouth with more pieces as it is bigger. This shall over load the sieve teeth as it cuts faster. Just fill less than 3/4 of the mouth.

I thought will update review about this juicer after using it for few months. Some tips I have for you as below:

1. Cut the pieces into triangle as shown below to get more juice rather than wastage. In cubes you will waste more than triangle pieces.

2. Start the juicer putting the knob on to low speed and just put this pieces into the mouth like opening from top and put the stopped. Do not press the stopper, just keep into the hole from top and leave it. Let the stopper push itself by its own weight.


3. To put some more pieces afterwards, do not stop the juicer. Remove the stopper from the mouth of the juicer and put some more pieces. The pieces start to pop out from the juicer. To avoid popping of pieces out of the juicer, keep your hand over the mouth opening and keep the pieces by the side of your hand. And then keep the stopper once the pieces are filled until half of the tunnel of the mouth.

Now I know how to use it, it does an excellent job. :)

How to clean the prestige juicer

hmm This is the question in everybody's mind who uses this centrifugal juicer.

How to clean it??. Below are the few practical tips to clean this centrifugal juicer.

1. Remove carefully the pulp container lid along with the stopper from the pulp container base (as shown) and keep it an tray.

2. Remove the sieve holding at the round edges by pulling it up with a little folder and keep it in the tray. Don't not pull with more pressure on it. It has two notches that keep it buckled to the rotor below.

3. Now remove the pulp container base from the juicer base and remove all the pulp from it by tilting into into the dust bin. You can use your hand and pull off the remaining pulp to the dust bin. Keep some detergent like vim in the container. Using a soft sponge and clean it thoroughly and Keep the pulp container base under the tap water flow in the wash basin sink. Clean thoroughly all the pulp with the flow of tap water from the top side of the container base and also from the bottom of the container.

Now turn the container bottom up and point the funnel opening to the tap and let the water flow inside the juicer funnel and get the stuck pulp be cleaner by the flow of water. This cleans the pulp container base.

4. To clean the pulp container lid keep some detergent like vim, rinse using a soft sponge and keep it below the tap water to clean. Let the water flow through the wide opening to clean it. This cleans up the pulp container lid.

5. To clean the sieve you have to be carefully. Don't use your hand to clean it this may cut your figure you you rub inside the sieve as it has a minature teeth on it to cut the fruits in to small pieces. Keep some vim all over the sieve. Then keep the sieve upside down under the tap water flow, using a tooth brush gently rub it from inner side while the water flows from top. Do it around the circle from inner side with water flowing from top side. Clean it this way until all the plump is removed from the inner edges of the semi-cone shaped sieve. To clean the flat inner of the sieve, let the water flow on it from top and brush it with the brush until all the pulp is gone. This cleans up the sieve.

I would suggest to go for this juicer for longer life as per its service and i am happy with it..

Friday, January 14, 2011