Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Its 2011 and everything's changed.

My life will never be the same and I am very much grateful for it.

Before I pen out my experience, I would pay my gratitude to

JM, ACM, Steve, Bill, Paulo, Liz who helped me out go overboard.

"Books" pose me with a lot of words, words of people and including a lot of other people's words.

Why should I know them?

Why on earth should I ever confine myself to one's words?

Is it that a one dimensional view gives a one direction of world? Why only that dimension?

What if I could reinvent my own new dimension?

I see lots of people around in my journey and find myself nowhere among them.

Why not me? What made them so different?

Because of where they were born? or what they are?

I always worked as hard as I could so I that didn't end up underneath the footstamps in a hustle.

What if I can work even more?

I want to stand and walk with the people in a way beside and not be so far or beneath them.

For the first time my life had an order to count on.

Then, I found myself thinking what if I just go crazy and use every potential to do it?

I have to do it. I have no choice.

I am so close to this skin now that "I can" cross through it.

It could rearrange. It's not impossible. Not for me any more.

"IM"possible is not a word, it is just a reason for some one not to try.

The world moves.

I am just a speck.

It can all happen without me.

Situations are not conducive to what we want for ourselves.

Someone else's needs,someone else's play.

It's going to be stronger than what our's is.

I think people just get frustrated with our hush.

So they spend their time dwelling on that frustration and calling it to be anger,

Keeping their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation,

To all the little, tiny things that have come together to make IT.

What "IT" is?

How I could I not do IT.

I found what an alternative could be.

I am forced to look forward. I have to dare because there is no going back.

I've just always been a trash trying to survive every single moment.

Now, I reached a point where I just thought alright, I'm gonna work as hard as I possibly can and see what


I m gonna live. I m gonna my life in my way, no matter how many odds I have to face.

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